
The Harshness of Life

I’m sure I’ve mentioned how much I like certain magazines. My current favorites are The New Yorker, Sunset and National Geographic. The appeal to me of The New Yorker is less about life in the City and which restaurant to go to next than it is about the broader cultural messages it provides about everything from politics to literature to theater and music, as well as the current cinema and humor. I think of The…

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I don’t think the world operates on a web of conspiracies the way some people do. I feel like the exact opposite is the case. I believe people are trying their hardest these days to make sense of everything that’s happening when the truth of the matter is most likely that there is minimal rhyme or reason to most of it. One of my favorite themes revolves around the fact that we live in an…

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Memoir Politics


Every day is a new adventure. The great Chinese curse says “may you live in interesting times“. These times are nothing if not interesting. In 2017, as Donald Trump took the reins of government in his first presidency, we were all unhappy or surprised by many of his choices for senior cabinet positions, Bringing Rex Tillerson in as Secretary of State made us all wonder what was going on. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General was…

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Escape From L.A.

We almost live as close to Los Angeles as we do to San Diego. I think if it weren’t for the traffic in the LA basin, we might think of Los Angeles as our nearby city. Occasionally, and especially when we plan international travel, we look at the flights coming and going from LAX. It always surprises me when we can’t do considerably better either in terms of schedule or price flying out of LAX…

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Living the Dream

I believe that it will take a while to figure out the new normal when it comes to life in these United States. Last Wednesday was stage one of the cycles of grief. We were all in some form of denial. But then, in the next few days we have all mostly gone through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance all in a jumbled mass of emotions. Actually, I feel like denial was really more…

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Memoir Politics

Small Favors

When things go sideways, its important to step back and keep things in perspective. I suspect this is really about maintaining emotional and psychological balance so that not every setback sends us to the cliff edge contemplating jumping off. This is an exercise we all must master in our lives if we are to soldier on in the face of adversity, and as the old saying goes, into every life a little bit of rain…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir Politics

Draining the Mud-puddle

Mud-puddle has always been a word or word contraction that I have always liked for some reason. It was the great novelist Sinclair Lewis, America’s first Nobel Laureate for literature as well as Pulitzer Prize writer, who won those accolades “for his vigorous and graphic art of description” when he described in his first and most famous novel, Main Street, the confines of small town American life, with its “mud–puddles and ragged weeds by the…

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Love Memoir

Living in Dreamland

Last night was the second of two shows put on this weekend by Kim’s Encore Vocal Group. They do two Main Stage shows twice per year and several smaller shows in between. This is the second show they have put on at the Grand Ritz Theater in Escondido. They did last year’s fall show there as well. All of their shows have a theme, which guides the selection of songs and give the cast a…

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Business Advice Memoir Politics

Podcast Nation

For years now, I have thought to myself that I simply don’t understand why people listen to podcasts. Meanwhile podcasting has grown to become one of the most profitable mediums (to the podcaster) with the most audience appeal and an absolute influence on the political scene. It is now being said that Joe Rogan single-handedly won this election for Trump by swaying 11-15 million listeners (mostly young males) to the Trump camp, thanks to his…

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Memoir Politics

Moving On Without Knowing It

Last night I got a one hour massage from my massage therapist who has come to my home for perhaps eight years. I paid him for my regular two hour massage. My long history with this guy, a very soft-spoken man who grew up in the valley to the east where the more hardened folks of this area reside. It’s ranch country and they are ranch-strong, which I suppose is a lot like being farm-strong.…

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