
The Central Coast

We have traveled through the Central Coast of California quite regularly over.the past 18 years. For some reason, we enjoy driving up and down this 840 mile state coastline more than we like driving lots of other places. People drive down the East coast of America too, but that seem to be focused on getting to Florida and perhaps mostly to get to Disneyworld, and just pass through the places in between, Not unlike the…

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Love Memoir


We are in a very tentative place as a world right now. More so than normal and in more ways than normal. The bright spot seems to be the general economy as reflected in the fiscal numbers ranging from growth to inflation to unemployment, not to mention the daily record-setting in the stock market. I don’t mean to understate or ignore that entire piece of good news, but what we all understand these days is…

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Memoir Politics

The Final Debate

Last night, while Iran was planning its second flight of ballistic missiles aimed at Israel (luckily mostly blunted by Iron Dome) and Benjamin Netanyahu was being the ultimate Middle East Hawk by orchestrating ground incursions into Lebanon to root out the bits of Hezbollah that they have not decimated over the last month and simultaneously threatening Iran with brisk retaliation for their direct missile assaults, we had the Vice Presidential debate. The contrast of the…

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Business Advice Fiction/Humor Retirement

The Sole with Soul

I used to be a Crocs guy. They were my casual shoe of choice for a long time. By the time I moved out here to this hilltop for retirement, coming on five years ago now, my shoe wardrobe consisted of a whole array of $450 Allen Edmonds work shoes of all kinds. I would say I was 70% into black with the others all oxblood maroon. I found those colors were the most appealing…

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Love Memoir

One Down

I have written before about my extended family by virtue of my father’s multiple marriages and dalliances over his life. By last count there are nine of us siblings with six females and three males. I am the oldest of the males…at least as far as I know. That’s the thing about my father, you can never really be sure because owning up to his parental obligations was simply not a high priority to him.…

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Business Advice Memoir

New Age Wealth Management

If you look at my resume or even my profile on my expert witness website, you will see that I consider one of my core competencies to be the area of investment management that is often referred to as wealth management. While that term can be applied to almost any sort of financial instrument investment process (wealth being generic term not necessarily confined to any market segments), it is generally applied to the accumulation of…

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Memoir Politics

Pax Americana Shrugs

Recently, a report was released by the Commission on National Defense Strategy. This was a panel of eight Washington defense and intelligence experts, what me might call senior staffers, assigned by the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee and its senior Republican (Mike Rogers and Joe Wilson) and Democratic (Adam Smith and Joe Courtney) members. This group made an exhaustive review of public and confidential documentation and conducted extensive interviews across government and non-government sectors…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

My Third State

I’ve just read an interesting article about a third state of being. That would be something other than dead or alive. It seems biology is getting turned on its head by the realization that when living cells die they do not just go to dust as the old expression goes. “Dust to dust” might have to be stricken from the vernacular as we further develop our scientific research and thinking about this supposed third state…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Strong Like Bull

Strong Like Bull I just had my annual wellness visit today and I’m glad to report that all is….well. From what I can tell, this is nothing like annual physical that I used to get in my working days. This consists of a series of assessments that seem designed to reassure me and my doctor that I’m still bumping along as I age and that they cannot be blamed for not having asked me all…

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