Memoir Retirement

Into the Desert

Into the Desert The desert is on my mind today for some reason. I’m sure it has something to do with all the rain that keeps on falling, but I want to go beyond that. I am always more inclined to head east from here than to head west. West means heading towards the throngs of people near the coast. The ocean can be pleasant, but the crowds rarely are. By contrast, if you head…

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Memoir Retirement

Scared in the Dark

Scared in the Dark Today in the rain, I got hooked into a movie I had seen and resisted for some time. It’s called Genius and is the storyof Max Perkins, the famous editor at Scribner’s who discovered and published F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe, among others. Jude Law plays Wolfe and he is a desperately troubled figure that has an overactive mind and an out-of-control literary ego that may have helped…

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Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, Rain Go Away I started writing about the rain on January 1 and here it is the middle of January’s and I’m still doing it. This has been an unusually wet month here on the hilltop. Last night sounded like the wrath of God with the wind howling and rain pelting the house and windows. It all started yesterday once I landed and it hasn’t let up yet. According to the online weather report,…

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Memoir Retirement

Seeing the World

Seeing the World There are only a few pieces of promotional mail that I bother with. One of those that I can’t seem to ignore is that National Geographic Expeditions magazine. The magazine is a pretty fancy piece of literature that must be expensive to produce and is therefore probably not just sent out randomly. I must be of the preferred customer list as both a long-time subscriber to their magazine and an occasional buyer…

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Business Advice Retirement

The Structure of Retirement

The Structure of Retirement Every stage of life has some degree of structure for most of us. Some of us prefer as little structure as possible and some of us need more structure to keep us on track. We are not only all different, but we are different differently at different times of our lives. I find that a certain amount of structure to my life and even to my day is preferable to fully…

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Memoir Retirement


Trailers Today I am hopeful of doing my first transaction for 2023 and it could be a meaningful one. A month or so ago I finally put an ad on a website called Trailer Traders. For ten years I have had a motorcycle trailer that I have used perhaps ten times to take my motorcycles across the desert to a place where I can comfortably ride them to one of my motorcycle club’s gatherings. I…

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Memoir Retirement

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions Getting older has its advantages. I don’t just mean the older and wiser issue, though there is plenty of truth to that. What I really mean is that there is a degree of reality and truth that stems from a clarity that escapes us when we are younger. I’m sure there are people who cannot help but delude themselves in their dotage so as not to spend their waning moments wallowing in…

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Love Retirement

Top of the Wall

Top of the Wall Everywhere I look these days, I am seeing articles about one of two issues: homelessness in America and the crisis and the U.S. border with Mexico. It is sometimes hard to reconcile the two issues. On the one hand people from all over the world, especially Central America are finding the conditions in their countries intolerable and abuse for risking life and limb to get to the U.S. border to seek…

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Memoir Retirement

End of the Semester

End of the Semester A semester seems to be an eternity when it begins. You look at the syllabus you have created for a course and you see something like sixteen weeks laid out ahead of you. That’s a something like fifty hours of class time lectures, hours of reading papers and grading exams, hunting for parking spots and lots of freeway time back and forth to campus. Then, before you know it, its the…

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