Memoir Retirement

I Express Therefore I Am

I Express Therefore I Am I checked my files and I have twice written stories that used the expression Cogito Ergo Sum, I think Therefore I am, penned in 1637 by French philosopher Rene Descartes. Some expressions, and I guess especially the existential ones, always pop up when you get introspective. Well, I’m at it again on this foggy Mothers Day morning and it has little or nothing to do with my mother. Now there’s…

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Memoir Retirement


Mobilizing I find myself thinking a lot these days about the notion that motion is the best lotion. When I left New York City three years ago, it coincided with my long-time NYU general practitioner deciding he too was moving his act to California (somewhere up by Palo Alto, I think). He was an Irishman with a noticeable Irish accent and a tendency towards osteopathy, which is to say a more holistic view of healthcare.…

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Memoir Retirement

Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal Every day I wake up with some new idea that I cannot believe I haven’t had before. Now that Ive taken care of all the currently necessary fixes and maintenance of my property, I’m free to innovate and improve as I see fit. I started out thinking that I needed to take three approaches to the property. There was the front that had been heavily planted with a vast variety of cacti and…

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Business Advice Love Retirement

Ringing the Bell

Ringing the Bell When we moved here more than three years ago, we had to make lots of arrangements to accommodate being here full time rather than only once in a while. We had owned the house for eight years while we thought about when the right time to retire might be. On Wall Street, for various reasons including the stress of the work and the hard head banging that goes on in the business,…

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Memoir Retirement

Boredom at Sea

Boredom at Sea Back in early 2019, what seems like two lifetimes ago, one for retirement and another for COVID, Kim and I went on a two-week cruise around New Zealand and Eastern Australia, including Tasmania. We had done a similar two-week cruise through the Baltics the year before, visiting nine countries, and had thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The bottom line on our Southern Hemisphere jaunt was that we found that we were more bored…

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Memoir Retirement

Parsing the Day

Parsing the Day Today I went out early and took the string trimmer down to the lower hillside below the wildflower garden and weed-whacked myself into oblivion. Operating an electric power-pack string trimmer does not look like particularly hard work until you do it for a while. These tools are well constructed and properly balanced so that the handle is pretty much in the right spot so that its as easy as possible to make…

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Memoir Retirement

Beyond the Blue Horizon

Beyond the Blue Horizon That song from Rain Man is repeating in my head for some reason this morning. The 1974 Lou Christie song has a twangy melody that feels somehow soothing. It’s lyrics are simple and its about how your life has only begun when you look out into the blue horizon and watch the rising sun. At this very moment, I am sitting in my office and looking east over my cactus knoll…

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Memoir Retirement

Experimental Gardening

Experimental Gardening I have pretty much worn my shorts every day this week, which means that summer is finally upon us. Technically its still spring, both by the calendar and the temperature, but after a long cool (I can’t bring myself to say cold) and wet few months, I am ready to shift back into warm weather gear. During the past week and a bit, I have been in the garden every day for some…

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Memoir Retirement

Humping Mulch

Humping Mulch If you read my stories every day you can’t help but notice that one day I may talk about cerebral issues that seem important to me, whether they are psychological, economic, social or political. The next day I may well write about my aching back and how I injured myself trying to do something on my hillside that was beyond my natural abilities, as they exist in my advancing age. It was Rene…

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