
On Moonstone Beach

On Moonstone Beach Three years ago for Kim’s 60th birthday, we brought most of our family and friends together for a special night of celebration. I rented Hearst Castle in San Simeon for a party of fifty (strictly limited to that number). Hearst Castle was the fabled home of William Randolph Hearst, a media magnate of his day and the subject of the Orson Wells film Citizen Kane, one of the ranked best movies of…

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Memoir Retirement

Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds I have set up this week to be a getaway week because I will be traveling next week. It is always more relaxing if I do not have too much hanging over my head when I am undertaking a road trip. That isn’t an unusual sense and many would share that preference, but being the high-focus person that I am, it is an especially important alignment for me. I am one of those…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir Retirement

How Much is Too Much

How Much is Too Much Now that I have done my “Year in Provence” year on this hilltop, I am faced with the ongoing issue of where to stop and enjoy versus keep improving. It is a very personal decision. Have you seen those quirky houses that someone invariable does a segment on. The sea shell house that has sea shells imbedded in concrete, stone walls and stucco walls is one I recall. The Who…

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On a Tear

On a Tear Have you ever noticed that there are times when you are more productive than other times? Sometimes it happens for very understandable reasons and sometimes it just happens for no particular reason at all. I am in such an Uber-productive state right now for some reason. If anyone noticed, yesterday’s post came about an hour later than normal. That was because I suddenly realized at 7am (my normal PDT publishing time each…

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Business Advice Retirement

A Sunday Lecture

A Sunday Lecture It’s almost 10am on Sunday and I am killing time before I am supposed to give a guest lecture in a course being given at the University of San Diego graduate business program. The Sunday morning time is a little unusual, but in these days of virtual education and even more so in graduate business education, there are more and more courses that are given on weekends and since Sunday is half…

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Memoir Retirement

Catching Up

Catching Up I have had a slightly more busy week this week since we have had house guests for a few days and the finishing of the deck project has caused me more work than normal in terms of getting things arranged as we like them. This is work that cannot be delegated as it has to do with how we like to live our lives in our space. As such, I have been busier…

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Business Advice Politics Retirement

The Good Earth

The Good Earth Yes, I am borrowing Pearl Buck’s title and no, this story is not about a family living in a small Chinese village. This story is about sowing and reaping the resources that the Earth gives us. In microcosm, I am living the reality of reaping what I sow right here on this little hilltop. Some of my days are spent teaching and there is little that happens in this world that is…

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Love Retirement

Wallowing in the Sunset

Wallowing in the Sunset Today was a big day for me in my deck journey. After nineteen weeks of work (that is 126 days or over four months), we moved all the furniture out onto the deck. The glass railing doesn’t go up until Monday, but the railing people have said the deck furniture should not interfere with their work. We have guests coming on Tuesday, literally right after the railing is finished being put…

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Memoir Retirement

The Bucket Brigade

The Bucket Brigade It began as a description of a firefighting technique where manual passing of buckets was used to maximize water deployment to put out fires. It became a metaphor used to describe processes that are either highly manual or involve many individuals to mobilize materials from one place to another. For some reason, many of my efforts here on this hilltop seem to involve the actual or metaphorical use of a bucket brigade.…

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