Memoir Retirement

Step By Step

Step By Step Most exercise measurement programs today seem to focus on walking steps and counting them. I get it. Walking is good for you. It is relatively low impact and almost everyone can do it. But not everyone enjoys it. I am one of those people who does not like walking. My size and weight makes walking a pain in my lower back. I have tried using walking sticks, which help, but not completely.…

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Memoir Retirement

The Cost of Living

The Cost of Living At a recent holiday gathering a nephew of mine who is currently feeling put upon by life (he has an injury that is very painful and its effecting every aspect of his enjoyment of life according to him), recited something that he had read about San Diego being the most expensive city in America. That didn’t feel right to me so I looked it up and found the source, which was…

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Memoir Retirement

Living to 100

Living to 100 My mother was born in 1916 and died in early 2017. She made it to 100 and six months. This week, I noted that Henry Kissinger died at the age of 100 and six months. I recently watched a recent interview with Kissinger and with all due respect to my mother, who remained intellectually sharp until only a few years before her death, I must say that Kissinger at 100 seemed as…

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Memoir Retirement

California Coastin’

California Coastin’ There are lots of things I like about California living. First and foremost among them is the casual dress climate we enjoy here in San Diego. Almost the biggest decision I make all year long is when I shift from shorts to long pants and vice versa as the weather cools. I noted that this weekend was due to be a slightly cooler weather weekend with temperatures in the mid-60s with a slight…

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Business Advice Retirement

Going Back to Work

Going Back to Work When people ask me if I’m retired, I usually start by saying yes, then I sort of hedge myself by saying that I keep active by teaching and doing expert witness work. I think I am done saying that I teach, but I am busier than ever with expert witness work, having, at least for the moment, a very regular flow of activity from a handful of cases. Since May of…

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Memoir Retirement

Sleeping Late

Sleeping Late Over the past month or so I have noticed several changes. To begin with, my daily workout schedule, mixing gym training twice a week and swimming the other days, intermingled with an abundance of yard work has all made me much more physically solid. I notice that my belly is rock hard from all the core work and that my arms and shoulders are much more muscled than they used to be. My…

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Memoir Retirement

Russian Garden

Russian Garden It’s a crisp Saturday morning in late October and I have nothing on my agenda today before going with Kim to a Halloween party this evening. For that party, I will be dressing up as I have several years past as a Russian. This is less a political statement on my part than it is an attempt to make sense out of keeping a large Russian fur hat that I acquired 35 years…

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Memoir Retirement

In the Still of Autumn

In the Still of Autumn Is it just me or has everything sort of gone quiet all of a sudden? I know the world is on the precipice primarily because of the Israel/Hamas/Gaza situation as Israel pauses before making a ground incursion into Gaza. I know that the fighting Ukraine continues, but that Ukrainian fighters are infiltrating Crimea and sending more an more drones to attack Russian positions in Eastern Ukraine and in Russia itself.…

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