Memoir Retirement

The Tempest and the Tinsmith

The Tempest and the Tinsmith I guess I haven’t yet really figured out the seasons here on this hillside. Back east there was a higher degree of familiarity about what February, March or April meant when it came to the events of nature. It would be hard to say that there is more variability out here, but I guess I would say that the stability of the weather out here makes what little variability we…

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Business Advice Memoir Retirement

Trust as a Four Letter Word

Trust as a Four Letter Word We have a convention in this country that only partially or barely exists in many other countries. We buy life insurance. Initially, it is sold to us (note that I say sold TO us as opposed to bought BY us or sought out BY us) as a responsible way for us breadwinners to ease our guilt with the dependence we have created for our families on our income earning…

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Memoir Retirement

Getting Pickled

Getting Pickled I am writing this story on Sunday night, knowing that it will publish on Wednesday morning. That timing is relevant since when most people read this, Kim and I will be off getting pickled. Couples in retirement have many different ways of operating. In general I think it is fair to say that most couples try to balance individual activities with couples activities. It’s really not good to operate like working couples who…

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Memoir Retirement

Words and Pictures

Words and Pictures I have stumbled on a movie tonight that has happened at a moment when I have realized that after being ahead of myself on these stories for a dry long time, I have run the kettle dry. I just published a story for tomorrow morning and have to get a jump on Saturday’s story and then Sunday’s, etcetera, etcetera. How unusual that I should stumble on this particular movie staring Clive Owen…

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Memoir Retirement

Back on the Hilltop

Back on the Hilltop We flew in from Florida yesterday and I cannot express how good it felt to get back home. I know that especially as we age, we become more inclined to being homebodies, but in addition to that and being around all my “stuff” (as the great George Carlin would say), I have also genuinely come to love the climate and environs of our San Diego hilltop. I have spent my life…

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Memoir Retirement

The Chateaux of My Mind

The Chateaux of My Mind This morning I am waking up in a lovely French Chateaux on a small tributary of the Loire River. I expect to see a riverboat with wine country tourists lounging on its deck coming past any minute. No, wait, why is there an egret high-stepping through the mangrove roots, they don’t have mangroves in France. Oh yeah, this particular Chateaux is not in the Loire Valley. I am on John’s…

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Love Retirement

Weather or Not

Weather or Not For as long as I can remember, I have advised myself and others that the selection of a long-term or retirement residence should be based on those people closest to one’s soul. They may be parents, siblings, children or friends, the circumstances of and social conventions of one’s particular family will likely set the priorities or preferences. But the choice of retirement home is even more challenging than, say, any other residence…

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