Memoir Retirement

Up In The Air

Up In The Air One of the things that Kim and I agree completely about is that the worst part of traveling is the actual traveling. In the case of going back and forth to Europe or the Middle East from San Diego, its an especially grueling ordeal that usually involves at least three flights. We usually like to transit through New York so we can see the kids. On our flight over this time…

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Memoir Retirement

Old White Couples

Old White Couples While we were in Barcelona or riding our motorcycles through the Pyrenees and then across the northern coast of Spain, we were very pleased to find that there were not scads of people everywhere. It was especially nice that the roads, which were truly exceptional in condition, were largely wide open with only occasional other vehicles, very often other motorcycles doing some version of the same tour that we were engaged in.…

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Getting Busy

Getting Busy The whole idea of retirement is supposed to be to get less busy and to relax, but that seems rarely to be the case. I have written an entire published academic book on pensions and yet despite being a financial professional, I prefer not to delve too deeply into the financial aspects of retirement. That is more about wanting to stay away from the micro considerations than the macro issues. I just figure…

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Memoir Retirement

Mapping the Trip

Mapping the Trip The future is coming up on us fast. I am feeling it in several important ways. The first place this is happening is with our travel plans. Next week we will be heading off to Spain to suit up for a motorcycle ride through the Pyrenees and along the northern coast of Spain along the popularly significant Camino de Santiago. That ride will start in Barcelona, go up into Andorra, wind its…

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Fiction/Humor Retirement


Moonshot In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am quite fixated when it comes to moon themes around this hilltop. It all springs from my favorite movie, Moonstruck, which suited me as a name for this house those ten plus years ago when we bought it. I have never looked back since and the moon hits just keep on coming. I looked up the word moon in reference to the 1,437 stories I…

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Back to the Garden

Back to the Garden It’s August and I see that it will be up into the mid-80s by noon. While I would prefer it five degrees cooler, the weather here on the hilltop is actually pretty pleasant and working outside in the garden is tolerable so long as you are judicious in your activity in the midday sun. Mad dogs and Englishmen may not care about the midday sun, but I would rather not risk…

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Business Advice Retirement

Surrendering to CostCo

Surrendering to CostCo Everyone thinks that CostCo started in Kirkland, Washington, just outside of Seattle back in 1983, just when Howard Schultz was getting his hands on this little coffeehouse startup called Starbucks and starting to rev it up into a global retailing juggernaut. But by virtue of its merger with another big-box retailer named Price Club, CostCo can claim to have started back in 1976 right here in good old San Diego. The behemoth…

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Memoir Retirement

School Daze

School Daze It’s early August and despite my every effort to the contrary, I cannot make myself into Rod Stewart. My Freshman Fall at Cornell was heavily dominated by Rod’s rendition of Maggie May, which came out in July, 1971 on his Reason to Believe album. You may recall that for him it was “late September and I really should be back at school…” Well, for me at age 68, it is a case that…

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