
The Changing Tide

The Changing Tide Based on yesterday’s story that mentioned sea kayaking, you are probably thinking that I went against my better instincts and tried sea kayaking and got swept out to sea on the tide. Not even remotely likely. The tide that is changing is the tide of my heart and mind. For six years or so, not so accidentally coinciding with the arrival of Donald J. Trump on the political landscape, I have taken…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir Politics

My Wannabe Socialist Friends?

My Wannabe Socialist Friends? Twenty-seven years ago I started a motorcycle club with a few pals. I had gone on a solo motorcycle walkabout through the canyons of Southern Utah in 1994 when I turned 40 and had been inspired to make that an annual ritual. The first year I could only get one guy to go with me. He was a lawyer and a bit of a henpecked husband (his wife didn’t like him…

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Memoir Politics

The Power Elite

The Power Elite What a strange world we live in. I feel it is even stranger for me than it is for most. I am a white male born of privilege, but raised with a liberal ideology. My paternal grandfather was a fascist, one of Mussolini’s men from the region of northern Italy near Bassano del Grappa in the Tyrol. He was either a bully like young Benito or more likely just a sycophant trying…

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Memoir Politics

Hunting for Hunter

Hunting for Hunter This title will probably do more to raise the readership of my blog among my red friends than anything other than one denouncing Hillary for something obscure and yet serious, like the mishandling of top secret government document. But while the story has nothing to do with Hunter Biden and why right wing deflectors need a bane of their existence to distract them from all the very real, growing and harsh criticism…

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Memoir Politics

Contrite Is As Contrite Does

Contrite Is as Contrite Does The concept of contrition is often thought to be associated with Catholicism. We think of sitting in a confessional and leaving with the seemingly trivial penance of saying so many Hail Mary’s or Novenas to absolve ourselves of our sins. But contrition is a far more general and important concept for modern life than these old, somewhat antiquated memories or images. We all need to start from a common basis…

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The Game of Law

The Game of Law This week has been a news cycle of one thing after another focused on who and what falls within the boundaries of the rule of law. The rule of law is more than a collection of four words, it is a political philosophy that lies at the center of the modern world, whether you believe in it as a guiding principle of governance or as something that is irrelevant and bears…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir Politics

Cooling Off – Special Post

Cooling Off Sometimes things are easy. Two days ago, our northern air conditioner went on the fritz. That is the older half of our AC system in the house and if measured in BTU strength, it is also the smaller half of the system. I’m not sure that is a wise configuration, given the importance of AC to comfortable sleeping, but I inherited and retrofitted the HVAC and Hot Water systems in this house and…

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Business Advice Politics

On Capitalism

On Capitalism I am once again finding myself at Capitalism’s front doorstep as it seems to be assaulting my senses as I prepare the next term’s syllabus for my business ethics course. Technically the course is titled Law, Policy and Ethics and I am being sure to add more connective tissue between the three subjects rather than have this be a philosophy course on the etymology of ethics in business. When I launch my thinking…

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The Shot Heard Round the World

The Shot Heard Round the World This title is intended to harken us back to our pre-Revolutionary days in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts when the very first militia of American patriots engaged British troops in 1775 and exchanged a volley of musket balls with the red-suited “lobsters” of England and thereby marked the start of the Revolutionary War. There are plenty of conservatives in the country who like to think that their actions on January…

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