Memoir Politics

Going Out With a Bang

We all know that I have too much time on my hands and that my laziness drives me more into sedentary pursuits than walking the roads in my neighborhood. That means I am reading more than ever these days. I have just read two articles that in strange combination have given me even more confusing thoughts than normal that I feel inclined to share. I feel like a kid who has just realized that outer…

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Business Advice Memoir Politics

Comparing Notes

Today I called a long-time friend who stills lives in New York City. I tend to see him whenever I’m in New York and the last time was in mid-December when I met with him and another mutual friend. We spent a full four hours at lunch having a wonderful time talking about our days in the trenches at Bear Stearns Asset Management, back what is now eighteen years ago. That’s a long time. It’s…

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Memoir Politics

Knowledge War

This morning I got into a conversation about social media with my neighbor Melisa. It was an especially interesting conversation because we were approaching the issues of social media from very different perspectives. Fundamentally, it seems that Melisa has the same sorts of concern about the affect that social media has on young people who can’t get their face out of their phones. Her points were mostly focused on how much better it is for…

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Business Advice Politics


I have always been a guy who seeks to integrate various things in my life. What I mean by that is that I seem always to come upon overlaps or areas of common interest in different aspects of my life and rather than treat them as coincidental, I have always enjoyed finding ways to have them connect in more meaningful ways. For one minor example, this past weekend when our friend Chris was visiting, he…

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Memoir Politics

To Be or Not to Be…Disturbed

It’s been two weeks since the Trump inauguration and I think its fair to objectively say that its already been a wild ride that seems to be getting wilder by the day. This is proving to be a very confusing moment for many of us and I would like to talk that through. In the past few days I have been contacted by a wider array of old friends and acquaintances than I can ever…

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Business Advice Memoir Politics

Understanding Reality

This may be the most important piece I will write in a long time, so please try to stay with me. For over six months now I have been struggling to understand what has happened in this country, specifically what caused the massive shift to the Right which resulted in the election outcome that we are seeing implemented in policies every day now. Perhaps the most startling thing for people like me has been to…

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Bizarro America

I was never an obsessed comic book reader, but I certainly read my share of DC and Marvel comics as well as the occasional Classics Illustrated, and, truth be told, not an insignificant number of my sister’s Archie & Jughead comics. Superman was still on TV (reruns mostly since it aired from 1952 – 1958), but George Reeves was busy pretending to take off and land from his flying episodes and had little time for…

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Memoir Politics


When we were kids, everybody liked playing board games to one degree or another. Let’s eliminate word games like Scrabble (or today’s variation known as Wordle) and party games like Trivial Pursuits and Pictionary, not to mention Charades. If you also ignore the generic and purely abstract games like Chess, Checkers, Mancala, Rummicube and Backgammon, the other most popular games that have more or less gone global to some degree are Monopoly, Clue, Life and…

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Memoir Politics

The Cordillera

In advance of our trip to Patagonia in 45 days, and at the request of my friend Faraj, who will be going with us, I have put together a series of 22 films about the region. These are movies about Chile, Patagonia, Argentina, Cape Horn and the Drake Passage as well as the Falkland Islands. I took the task seriously and tried to find an array of representative films that would capture what we were…

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