Memoir Retirement

Walking Myself Home

Walking Myself Home I just read a beautiful story in the Washington Post about a man who spent a year of his life caring for his cancer-ridden wife until the moment of her death. He described it as walking her home. Many people over the years have written about these final moments, and we have seen movies like Terms of Endearment, that capture the wistfulness of someone beloved’s last moment of consciousness. But despite the…

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Memoir Retirement

Secret Gardens

Secret Gardens As I’ve mentioned recently, I characterize my property as having 30 or so separate gardens. Perhaps that’s just a reflection of how easily I can, or cannot, manage the scope of my gardening. But nonetheless, I do attack my gardening in segments that reflect my thinking or at least my aesthetic interests of the moment. I have always thought that compared to many people I have a pretty good three dimensional sensibility about…

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Memoir Politics

The Bestselling of America

The Bestselling of America I just saw this week’s New York Times listing of the top Bestsellers in the non-fiction category in America. The top four books on the list were all pretty much newcomers with three having only one week on the list and the fourth having been on for only its second week. I’m not sure whether that’s normal or unusual, but what does strike me about the top four books is that…

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Memoir Retirement

Feeling Better

Feeling Better In my morning review of my normal news feeds, I happened upon an article in Apple News about a 77-year-old bodybuilder named Joan. It seems that she has become somewhat of an Instagram influencer under the heading “trainwithjoan”. Apparently, back when she was 70 or so, she was a bit of a physical mess, declining rapidly into old age and decrepitude…like us all. That was when her daughter, who is a fitness buff,…

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Vaxxed Up

Vaxxed Up It’s that time of year again as we head into the Fourth Quarter. There are lots of things that start up at this time of year, but arguably the most important thing to pay attention to is that its time to update all our vaccinations. This year has been a little different than in the past. The last few years its been about getting that damn COVID vaccine and the booster as soon…

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Medieval Times

Medieval Times When we recently went east for my son Thomas’ wedding, my cousin-in-law Nancy brought me a book she had salvaged from my Ithaca house last year before everything either went out to the estate auction house or the trash. I have worked hard for two years now to get over the circumstances of my exit from that house of mine for 26 years, and I think I am mostly there. But every once…

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Generational Warfare

Generational Warfare I first became aware of the Middle East tensions in 1968. I was on an Italian Line ocean liner heading to Rome to live, and the ship was packed with Americans returning to the region after their summer home leaves or whatnot. The region I refer to was entirety of the Mediterranean area and most of the Middle East and North Africa. Remember that in 1968 the U.S. burgeoning multinational corporations were heavily…

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Betty Girl

Betty Girl In the past three years I have written 10 stories with the name Betty in them and yes, they have all been about our little white senior rescue pup who we got in 2020 from a place called Frosted Faces. I suspect, unfortunately, that this may be the last story I write about Betty. Betty seems to be in her end game today. She has not been eating her food, or most of…

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