
Keep On Keepin’ On

Two weeks from today, I will be in Valparaiso Chile preparing to board the Viking Jupiter cruise ship for an 18 day trip around Cape Horn ending in Buenos Aires Argentina. My biggest concern at the moment is the status of my right knee, which is still suffering from a fall 10 days ago where I landed with my full weight on a rock on that right knee. I have generally felt that it was…

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Memoir Politics

Going Out With a Bang

We all know that I have too much time on my hands and that my laziness drives me more into sedentary pursuits than walking the roads in my neighborhood. That means I am reading more than ever these days. I have just read two articles that in strange combination have given me even more confusing thoughts than normal that I feel inclined to share. I feel like a kid who has just realized that outer…

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Business Advice Memoir Politics

Comparing Notes

Today I called a long-time friend who stills lives in New York City. I tend to see him whenever I’m in New York and the last time was in mid-December when I met with him and another mutual friend. We spent a full four hours at lunch having a wonderful time talking about our days in the trenches at Bear Stearns Asset Management, back what is now eighteen years ago. That’s a long time. It’s…

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Love Memoir

Contrite is as Contrite Does

My high school buddies and I have been exchanging emails of late for the first time in many many years. The main topic is our days of motorcycling through La Dolce Vita streets of Rome in the late 1960’s. It’s fascinating to hear the recollections and perspectives of guys in their 70’s remembering their days of youthful exuberance from when they were 16-18 years old. Those days our heads were filled mostly with testosterone and…

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The Desert on Steroids

Steroids are synthetic substances similar to hormones like testosterone. They’re similar to hormones in several key ways. In terms of chemical structure, both are lipid-based molecules with a specific four-ring structure called a cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus (say that three times fast). This shared molecular architecture allows them to interact with similar cellular receptors. In terms of their biological function, like hormones, steroids act as chemical messengers in the body. They bind to specific receptor proteins, typically…

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Pain Management

We all know that pain is a part of life and from a young age we learn how we can best cope with it. We have all seen the Pain Scale at the doctor’s office that goes from 1 to 10 and uses little round colored faces to go from a blue/green smiley face at the #1 level (No Pain) all the way up to the deep red wincing or crying face (Worst Pain Imaginable)…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

I Hate It When That Happens

It was truly a dark and stormy night here in Southern California with whipping winds and rain coming down in buckets. The garden was well past saturation point and now I had to start worrying about the tall stately cacti and succulents on my hilltop that tend to fall over under their own weight when things get too soggy. We had gone out to an anniversary (18th) dinner with houseguest Phillip and Kim’s brother Jeff…

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55 Years Like Yesterday

A few days ago, I got a letter in the mail. I’m not sure when the last time was that I got an actual letter, as in a correspondence from a friend, via the United States mail. It was not in a legal-sized envelope. It was in a personal stationary-sized envelope that had a regular stamp and was hand addressed. It actually felt like a flash from the past, which was exactly what it was.…

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