
The Sedona Vortex

The Sedona Vortex We have come to Sedona for the weekend to attend the wedding of my niece Nichole. Nichole is the daughter of my sister Barbara. She attended Cornell and travelled with me and my kids overseas on several occasions, so I got to know her pretty well in her youth. Nichole was an interesting college student. She studied Art History in school and as a bright and attractive young woman, she managed to…

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Lifetime Buddy

Lifetime Buddy About twenty years ago when Dustin Hoffman was 67 years old, I happened to hear him speak about one of the films he had just made. Perhaps it was Runaway Jury or Finding Neverland, but the point is that he was invited to talk about the film at the New York Director’s Guild Theater on 57th Street. I was a member of a DG Film Club that regularly heard from actors, directors and…

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It’s Always Sunny in San Diego

It’s Always Sunny in San Diego Life is temporarily back to normal around the hilltop. We are in between travels and yet still ten days until the Christmas hordes descend upon us. The decorations are 100% up outdoors and 95% done in the house, so we are as ready as we are going to be. The present wrapping is well advanced thanks to Kim and Melisa dedicating much of yesterday to the task. I too…

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Love Memoir

Fire And Ice

Fire And Ice Kim had her annual gala for Singnasium, the New York based cabaret singing school of which she is the founding and now outgoing President of the Board. I have told her dozens of times that as the head of the Board and not an employee, she should not be the President but rather the Chairperson of the Board, but that has all fallen on deaf ears. These are cabaret people after all…

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Celebrating Life

Celebrating Life Human being like to celebrate. We celebrate births and deaths and everything in between. The biggest ones tend to be around marriage, holidays and the ubiquitous birthday celebrations. Many of us have occasionally grown weary of some of the celebrations. In a large work team, celebrating every person’s birthday and special events could take up an inordinate amount of time and resources so they are either foregone or done in bulk every month…

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Love Memoir

Losing a Friend

Losing a Friend Friends drift into and out of our lives all the time. I, in particular, am very aware of this phenomenon since I spent most of my early life moving from one locale to another as a trailing child to a globetrotting mother. My early years were spent in the tropics of Venezuela and Costa Rica with an interregnum in such different places as Santa Monica and Ithaca. That more or less took…

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