Fiction/Humor Memoir Politics


I went to see Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis today. I felt I had to go see it even though it is being met with very mixed reviews and getting characterized much like Kevin Costner’s Horizon fiasco as a vanity play by an aging great one of film. Great filmmakers don’t seem to be able to fade away, they have to go out with a bang…and it’s usually one on the noggin. But then again, Megalopolis…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Gorging Out

I was just spent my first night in Portland, Oregon, the city that has a distinct reputation for being a liberal enclave and being the place where a lot of Black Lives Matter riots occurred after the George Floyd incident. I’m sure the Portland natives wouldn’t like the place that Portland occupies in my mind even though I am a liberal guy. I’m also sure that there is a lot more to Portland than one…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir


We have been to Mendocino a number of times now, which is pretty impressive for a town that only boasts a population of 900. Don’t get me wrong, its a pleasant town and a beautiful piece of coastline, but as was pointed out to me on one of my last visits, its 60 miles from the nearest Walmart, which makes it one of the most remote spots in the lower 48 states. We don’t actually…

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Business Advice Fiction/Humor Retirement

The Sole with Soul

I used to be a Crocs guy. They were my casual shoe of choice for a long time. By the time I moved out here to this hilltop for retirement, coming on five years ago now, my shoe wardrobe consisted of a whole array of $450 Allen Edmonds work shoes of all kinds. I would say I was 70% into black with the others all oxblood maroon. I found those colors were the most appealing…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

My Third State

I’ve just read an interesting article about a third state of being. That would be something other than dead or alive. It seems biology is getting turned on its head by the realization that when living cells die they do not just go to dust as the old expression goes. “Dust to dust” might have to be stricken from the vernacular as we further develop our scientific research and thinking about this supposed third state…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Strong Like Bull

Strong Like Bull I just had my annual wellness visit today and I’m glad to report that all is….well. From what I can tell, this is nothing like annual physical that I used to get in my working days. This consists of a series of assessments that seem designed to reassure me and my doctor that I’m still bumping along as I age and that they cannot be blamed for not having asked me all…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

The Road to Ingonish

Ive heard about the Cabot Trail for years and it always sounded like such a romantic place. Even in my recent research when I looked up John Cabot, I came away with the impression of a Medieval Marco Polo adventurer who came looking for the Northwest Passage to these chilly environs and at least left with a place named for his explorations. The reality seems instead to be that John Cabot did whatever landfall exploring…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

The Joy of Travel

The Joy of Travel It’s 1am at the Toronto Airport and it’s been a helluva trip so far. After spending a week watching the news about the threatened Air Canada pilot’s strike, we got a reprieve in the wee hours of Sunday morning and were assured by the airline that all would be well. I joked to my traveling friends that now all we had to deal with were normal airline delays. Ha, ha, ha.…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Strange Dreams

Strange Dreams Like most people, if I do dream every night, I only remember those dreams once in a while, usually when I wake up in the middle of one. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about or trying to analyze my dreams, but last night my little Buddy who gets very grumpy when he is awoken, woke himself up and started growling loudly enough to woke me at about 3am. Sure enough,…

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