Fiction/Humor Memoir

Body Image

Body Image We went to go see the movie Argylle on Sunday. It was Kim’s choice and falls somewhere in that genre of action and/or spy thriller movies that have campy comedy as a significant undercurrent. The gist of the plot is that a female author of spy novels, a woman who is a homebody who is basically non-athletic or even adventuresome, gets caught up in an espionage plot by virtue of the world supposedly…

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Business Advice Fiction/Humor Politics


O’Biden We just had a surprise visit (at least it was a surprise for me) from our dear friends from San Francisco/Sonoma. One of the things they do is is keep a list of great limited series shows based on true life events and movies of the same genre. I must admit, I haven’t considered that genre for its uniqueness, but when we do happen to watch one (as we did with Dopesick, Painkiller and…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Another Trip

Another Trip Among New Year’s resolutions I will bet that most people our age are telling themselves that they will finally get down to seeing the world and traveling more. Inertia certainly increased with age (is that part of Newtonian physics?) and our bodies at rest tend to want to stay at rest. But we have more of different physics equation with which to contend in this household. A few years ago after a very…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Bouncing Buddy

Bouncing Buddy I was never a pet person, but as life has progressed I have changed…somewhat. I do give my $19/mo to the ASPCA, but I am forever reminding Kim that the same gift of $19/mo to Save The Children seems more important. We had a dog when I was a kid, but it was really my sister’s dog and was cared for mostly by my farm-strong mother. I will not mention his name in…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Metabolism Schism

Metabolism Schism I am once again confused by my own body. I have been on as much of a regular exercise program for six months now as I can ever remember. This started with a trainer and swimming, it progressed recently to adding a rowing machine at home for workouts when I am not otherwise at the gym or in the pool, and the recent spring weather has me out in the yard doing 2-3…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir


Blind-Sided One of the fun, but supposedly true life stories made into a movie in the past few years was the story of Michael Oher, the former NFL offensive lineman who was taken in during high school by the Tuohy family of Memphis. The movie, called The Blind Side, based on the book by the same name written by Michael Lewis (strangely enough a writer mostly of financial stories), refers to the offensive line position…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

The Korean Clown Car

The Korean Clown Car I’m sure it is not lost on any of us that the economies that seem to be doing the best across the world, other than the American economy, have been Germany, Japan and now Korea. In fairness, the first two were our enemies in WWII and the third was our ally (given that I am referring to South Korea or, technically, the Republican of Korea), but all three countries were the…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Picking Your Seat

Picking Your Seat There is an old Dad joke that was used when a kid would get caught pulling at his underpants, squirming this way and that. The Dad would say, “You going to the movies?” The kid would, of course, say, “no, why?” And the Dad would ask him with a big grin, “Then why are you picking your seat?” Its always a good one because its a cute play on words and it…

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Fiction/Humor Memoir

Body Memory

Body Memory I have thought for years that is a beautiful thing. We all have used the expression that its like riding a bike, meaning that we will never forget how to ride a bike once we have done it since the body rememberers the intricacies of the balance and movements necessary to stay on a moving bicycle. We often call it muscle memory, but it is more than that since it involves all the…

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