Business Advice Memoir Politics

Bangkok Bound

Bangkok Bound Tomorrow we fly from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok. That means we are going from a Muslim state to a Buddhist state (Thailand is 94% Buddhist). Our stay at the Mandarin Oriental here has been very pleasant. The facilities are very nice and the service is excellent. These people know who they serve and as I look up at the ceiling of our room I see another sign of that. There is a small…

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Business Advice Politics

Tax-Us or Texas

Tax-Us or Texas The World Economic Forum at Davos started fifty-three years ago but has really gained momentum and notoriety among globalists in the last decade. I have never attended (when I was in my corporate prime and realistically a candidate, Davos was not yet a must-do) and now I doubt I ever will go (now that I am a mere bystander and observer of the world and decidedly not a mover and shaker), but…

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Business Advice Politics

Econometric Confusion

Econometric Confusion The study of economics is called the dismal science. It was called that by Thomas Carlyle during the Victorian era of England because another famous economist and demographer called Thomas R. Malthus had postulated that human population would always grow faster than man’s ability to grow sufficient food to feed itself. That was a very Dickensian outlook that was before the Industrial Revolution (first, second, third or fourth), when technology started to improve…

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Business Advice Fiction/Humor Politics


O’Biden We just had a surprise visit (at least it was a surprise for me) from our dear friends from San Francisco/Sonoma. One of the things they do is is keep a list of great limited series shows based on true life events and movies of the same genre. I must admit, I haven’t considered that genre for its uniqueness, but when we do happen to watch one (as we did with Dopesick, Painkiller and…

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Business Advice Memoir

Columns & Rows

Columns & Rows I have started a new spreadsheet. I love spreadsheets. Ever since I first met a VisiCalc spreadsheet back in about 1979, I have been in love with spreadsheets and what they can do. I actually think that spreadsheets may be the most impactful invention of my time. I know people will scoff at that in light of everything from EVs to Smartphones, but my logic is quite simple. Spreadsheets enabled all innovations…

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Business Advice Politics

Economic Optimism

Economic Optimism I watch so many movies about the wars of the 20th Century that I find myself wondering what it must be like to be facing the world with nothing in your pocket and no particular prospects for things getting better soon. The two movies I watched yesterday were of this sort. The first was a real D-list movie called Air Strike. This was a 2018 film that was made in China and represents…

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Business Advice Memoir

An AI Experiment

An AI Experiment Out of the blue, a friend and former colleague sent me a book called Command the Page by Charlie Deist. The book is intended to help writers embrace AI for the benefit of their writing and to do what he calls “future-proof” your future creative career. Deist goes through his own journey over the last year of ubiquitous presence of AI in the hands of the general public. We have all heard…

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Business Advice Memoir

The Ropa-Dope

The Ropa-Dope Going back to the time between 1977 and 1990, I was a daily commuter into Manhattan from Long Island. I realize that it sounds totally crazy (something I failed to comprehend at the time), but I would get up at 4am every weekday morning and catch the 5:14am train from Rockville Centre into Penn Station. I would then share a cab (always with the same two other guys who I know only from…

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Business Advice Memoir

The Comfort of Analysis

The Comfort of Analysis In the expert witness business there are four basic functions that one must be able to handle. The first involves reading large quantities of evidence, testimony and reports. I have never been a particularly fast reader. I didn’t get glasses until I was in fourth grade. For some reason, my mother didn’t notice my vision deficiency until it was quite debilitating in school. I just could not see what was on…

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